With over 130 million native speakers around the world and a rapidly growing number of non-native speakers, Japanese is an important language in the world and one of the most important languages in Asia only after Chinese mandarin. Japanese is also the 10th most spoken language and a compulsory language to learn for many people. Over time, Japanese has gained a surprising popularity mainly due to the rapid development that this country has had. 

Japanese, a different language 

Studying Japanese means learning a language that is completely different from most languages. For example: your mother language is English and you want to learn Spanish, it will not be quite difficult because, despite they do not belong to the same family, they have many similarities in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and of course writing, but what happens if you want to learn Japanese instead of Spanish? It means getting used to the idea that adjectives can have a past tense, choosing among dozens of different words for “I” and of course learning Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji, the three Japanese writing types.  

The difficulty of learning Japanese

Many people wonder, why should a person bother with Japanese  that  is considered as one of the most difficult languages to learn and so difficult to master when there are much easier and more readily useful alternatives like Spanish, Portuguese Italian and French that are so widely taught? Although it may sound strange, this is easy to understand for many people. Of course, not long ago, it was not rare to think that Asia was going to become an ever more important region in the world, and in order to have a better understanding it was necessary to immerse in their culture, and what better than learning its language. 

Reasons to learn Japanese

There are also other important reasons to learn Japanese, including:

  • Business: With one of the largest economies in the world, learning Japanese is almost compulsory for those who want to enter the Asian market.
  • Education: Japan boasts one of the best education systems in the world and some of the best universities and research centers. So, if you want to study abroad, Japan is one of the best options.
  • Culture: Without a doubt, Japan has an ancient culture. So, the knowledge of Japanese will give you access to endless historical literary resources.
  • Technology: Japan is the most technologically developed country, learning Japanese will open you many doors to know about new technologies.
  • Internet: Japanese is the third language group on the Internet.

To learn the basic aspects of Japanese, it is not necessary to attend a renowned language school because it is enough with the internet, where you will find a large number of courses to learn Japanese online. But if you want to master Japanese, attending a language school is definitely necessary. Once you have learned Japanese, finding a job will not be a problem. To realize this you may search Freelance IT jobs on the internet and you will see the great number of jobs that require Japanese speakers.

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