Pisa is a beautiful city, best known for the famous leaning Tower and the bell tower of Pisa’s cathedral, but it has much more to offer, many impressive architectural and artistic attractions such as beautiful squares, churches, palaces and bridges. 

Pisa tourist attractions

It is the capital city of the Pisa province in Tuscany, Italy. Nowadays, it has approximately 88, 332 inhabitants and 200,000 inhabitants in the metropolitan area. It is located on the right bank of the mouth of the River Arno on the Liguria Sea. The most famous landmarks of the city are:

The Piazza dei Miracoli or Field of Miracles

The Piazza dei Miracoli or Field of Miracles, located in north central Pisa. It contains most of the important sites in Pisa. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its main attractions are:

  • Leaning Tower or Torre Pendente, the third oldest construction in Pisa and the major Pisa’s attraction, is situated behind the Cathedral. The tower leans at about 3.99 degrees.
  • Duomo di Pisa, The Pisa’s Cathedral, counts with Giambologna, Della Robbia artwork and other major artists. It is a master architectural piece with double aisles and a cupola, a huge apse mosaic partly by Cimabue, and a fine pulpit by Giovanni Pisano. 
  • Battistero is a large round Romanesque dome with many sculptured decorations in Arabic-style pavement, pulpit by Nicola Pisano and fine octagonal font.
  • Campo Santo Monumentale, (Cemetery) a huge cemetery building with a big collection of ancient Roman sarcophagi and frescoes by the “Master of the Triumph of Death.”
  • Museo dell’Opera del Duomo houses many sculptures and paintings.

Piazza dei Cavalieri

Piazza dei Cavalieri is also known as Knights’ Square (Piazza dei Cavalieri), where the Palazzo della Carovana, with its impressive facade designed by Giorgio Vasari.

  • Palazzo della Carovana is the main Scuola Normale Superiore building, with an elaborate facade, by Giorgio Vasari.
  • Palazzo dell’Orologio or the Clock Palace, a XIV century building that has replaced the Torre della Fame (tower of hunger), cited in Dante’ s Divina Commedia.
  • Chiesa di Santo Stefano is the building of the Order of Chivalry of Saint designed by Giorgio Vasari in the XVI century. 
  • The Church of San Rocco, the Rectory, Palazzo Carovana and Palazzo dei Dodici.

Museo di San Matteo is the most important museum of Pisa, and it houses almost all of the original artwork from all the churches in and around Pisa.

Visit Italy and take Italian courses. You can also visit Rome, see travel to Rome.

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