Australia, Down under

This country is called Australia or also “down under” because it is located under the equator line. Its complete name is Commonwealth of Australia and it is located between the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Besides being a country, Australia is also a continent. Australia means “southern”, which comes from the Latin word “australis”.

Australian history

Australia was a British colony until 1901 when it became an independent country. Sidney is one of the most important cities of this country, Sydney is the main attraction for travelers. One can see a combination between wildlife and the modern world. Canberra City is its capital, although Sydney is the most populated. 

Australia’s wildlife 

Australia’s wildlife is unique. Isolation has given it the most unusual flora and fauna. Sunny beaches, lush farmland, and busy ports line the coasts. When one plans a trip to Australia, keep reminding oneself that Australia is a huge continent with long distances between its major attractions. 

Australia money

It’s advisable to have cash to walk around Australia because there are not many banks or exchange money houses. Travelers usually check out websites about “Australia money” on the internet in order to have information about where they can get cash or find ATMs. It’s advisable to check out Australia opening hours of the main restaurant, stores, pharmacies, museums and parks, because they have different schedules in Australia across the year.  


Sydney is the capital for travelers. There are many restaurants and coffees and most European people spend time to know moiré about Australian cuisine. There are many chefs who want to create new dishes from a combination of different flavors. European tourists are very demanding, they usually compare their local food with Australian food. Coffees around Sydney are not as good as French or Italian because Sydney doesn’t have a Giolitti (the most famous Roman coffee in Italian culture).  

Australia, a destination available to all audiences

Australia is an available destination for kids because there are many natural reserves where they can learn more about its exotics animals such as kangaroos, koalas, crocodiles, birds and dingos  that almost every child wants to see. Adults can enjoy its several beaches. Australia is the paradise for surfers. Its beaches are considered among the most important around the world over Hawaii’s beaches.

Australia is a young nation in an ancient land. It is a nation of opportunities for immigrants. People can explore it, discover its mysteries and enjoy its landscapes. Australia has always something new to see, the reason why Australia receives more tourists each year to enjoy the “down under”.

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