
Switzerland is a beautiful country and one of the most educated countries in the world. Switzerland is located in western Europe and bordered by Germany to the north, France to the west, Italy to the south, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. This country covers approximately 41,285 km 2 and it is calculated that it has a population of 7,866,500 inhabitants. 

Official languages in Switzerland

One of the main features is that Switzerland has four official languages:

  • Italian: It is calculated that there are over 500,000 Swiss that have Italian as their mother language. Italian speaking regions include the Canton of Ticino and the southern part of Graubünden. 
  • French: There are approximately 1.9 million French speakers in Switzerland that are located in areas such as Geneva , Vaud , Neuchâtel and Jura.
  • German: With over 4.6 million speakers, German is certainly the most spoken language in Switzerland. It is spoken mainly in  Aargau , Appenzell Ausserrhoden , Appenzell Innerrhoden , Basel Stadt and Basel-Landschaft . 
  • Romansh: Although it is calculated that there are only 35.000 speakers, Romansh, over time, has maintained a great importance in Switzerland.

So, if you want to visit one of the many tourist attractions that Switzerland can offer, you can learn any of these languages. Many people choose to learn German language because is the most common

Useful German Phrases

  • Ja: Yes.
  • Nein: Not.
  • Guten Morgen: Good Morning
  • Guten Tag: Good Afternoon.
  • Guten Abend: Good Night.
  • Bis später!: see you later!
  • Sie bitte entschuldigen: excuse me.
  • Ich spreche nur ein kleines bisschen Deutsch: I only speak very little German
  • Könnten Sie das bitte wiederholen?: could you please repeat that?

Useful French Phrases

  • Bonjour: Good Morning.
  • Bonsoir: Good Night.
  • Commen t-allez vous ?: how are you?
  • Oui, je parle un peu de français : Yes, I speak a little French.
  • D’ou venez-vous?: Where are you from?
  • Merci beaucoup: Thank you very much
  • I am sorry: Je suis désolé.
  • Au revoir: Good bye.
  • A tout à l’heure: See you later.

Useful Italian Phrases

  • Benvenuto: Welcome.
  • Ciao: Hello.
  • Come va? : How are you?
  • Come ti chiami?: What is your mane?
  • Da dove vieni?: Where are you from?
  • Buongiorno: Good Morning.
  • Buonasera: Good Night
  • Buon pomeriggio: Good Afternoon.
  • Può parlare più lentamente?: Please speak more slowly.
  • Grazie: Thanks.
  • Aiuto!: Help!
  • Chiama la polizia!: Call the police!

If you want o to improve your language skills, you could enroll in a language school or simply search for any Course to learn German online . That will be very helpful when asking for information; for example about bank offices or German recipes.

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