Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe

Ukraine is the Second largest country in Europe, and has a vast culture that includes its cuisine, arts, and lifestyle; all of them formed in time with influences from the climate, geographic location and other cultures like: Russian culture across the history.

Reasons to explore Ukraine

Ukrainian food is one of the best samples if one is interested in traveling to explore Ukraine and its culture: Religion, customs, music, dance and events can be seen; but food of Ukraine must taste, so it will be one of the most preferred parts of your trip to Ukraine. Food is a quite important part of the culture in Ukraine; and due to its climate, the common ingredients are based on products of the region such as: Meat, vegetables, berries, fruits, herbs and mushrooms. Bread is also included in recipes and Ukraine boasts different kinds of it such as: Paska (the special Easter bread), Pampushky (Served with soups generally), Korovai (Traditional bread for weddings) and more.

Ukrainian cuisine

You must include to your Europe trips, a gastronomic tour along all Ukrainian cuisine, characterized by its diversity and close relation to its traditions. Among its popular dishes, we can classify them in: 

  • Soups: Most preferred soups are:Borsch, a soup made of vegetables prepared in different varieties. Kapusniak: a soup made of pork and the Zelenyj Borscht, another vegetable soup. And Solyanka, a delicious soup made up of meat and mushrooms.
  • Main Courses: These courses include: Perohy, Cabbage Rolls, Mlyntsi, Guliash, Deruny, etc.
  • Desserts: Most preferred are: Torte (cake), Zhele or jellied fruits, Kutia (the traditional Christmast cake), and others.
  • Salads: The Olivye is a salad that includes potatoes, pickles, eggs, onions and other vegetables; it’s one of the most preferred salads in Ukraine.

We cannot leave aside the Beverages; among non-alcoholic drinks we can consider: the Kompot, made of fruits; the Uzvar, made of dried fruits; the Kefir, made of milk fermented like a yogurt. Among alcoholic drinks we can consider: Samohon, a delightful drink with infusions of fruits, spices and hot peppers, and Mead, a drink made from honey.

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