Nowadays, preparing a delicious dish or creating a new way to prepare foods is considered a serious profession. In fact, people are able to study a profession related to gastronomy and make a lot of money by working in exclusive restaurants. In the world, there are plenty of countries that have special dishes and different types of cuisine, exotic flavors and attractive presentations. Each cuisine has a singular characteristic and style that represents a cultural legacy.

The best culinary tradition in the world

The most important nations with the best culinary tradition in the world include the following.  

Mexican Cuisine

Mexican cuisine is the perfect combination of Spanish, Aztec and Mayan culture. UNESCO declared Mexican food as the world’s intangible cultural heritage. This kind of food is spicy and tasty at the same time. The most representative dishes in Mexican cuisine are the popular tacos, the enchiladas, the delicious three cheese quesadilla and the tasty chiltomate-spicy Red Sauce.  There are a large number of Mexican restaurants in the entire world.

Chinese Cuisine

Chinese food is eaten in the majority of countries in the world. There are a large number of dishes and recipes that vary in each country. This cuisine has a special meaning for its people because it is considered as a royal office. The most delicious Chinese dishes are: Kung Pao chicken, the Shrimp with Lobster Sauce, Chicken Chow foon and the wonton Soup.  

Peruvian Cuisine

The Peruvian cuisine is the most exquisite in South America. This cuisine has a huge variety of different dishes, desserts, and drinks. In fact, the Peru recipes are considered the most complete in the world because the majority of the dishes have different combinations and interesting ingredients. The most popular Peruvian dishes and Peruvian desserts are the juicy lomo saltado, the most popular ceviche, the anticuchos and the sweet leche asada.

In addition, Peru produces ancestral flavors and healthy food. The Inca culture was a civilization that created a huge variety of things to improve its way of life.There are a lot of Inca dishes such as the Mate de coca, the pachamanca and the roast guinea pig that have a good nutritional value. In order to know more about Peru, foreigners must know Machu Picchu Peru. Considered as one of the new seven wonders of the modern world, Machu Picchu is located in Cuzco, and it was discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911.

French Cuisine

French food is considered the most important type of food in Europe. There are plenty of excellent dishes that represent France in all its splendor.  Even though the French cuisine is one of the most delicious in Europe, the dishes are really expensive.  France has delicious and amazing dishes such as  Moules à la crème Normande, Ratatouille, Crème Brûlée and Tripes à la mode de Caen.

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