A big trip to Asia can be the beginning of a great adventure. Many different cultures shape Asia; Asia is formed by countries that have a unique history and exceptional costumes, and some of them happen to be the most curious and bizarre. 

Japan, an Asiatic country with an emblematic culture

Focusing in Eastern Asia, there is a country that everyone at least knows one thing about, this country is Japan. This country has the most transcultural and interesting society. Japan is an Asiatic country with an emblematic culture that is recognized worldwide. Japan has been a pioneer in many fields: technology, music, films, television, etc. Walking through the streets of Japan one can recognize some usual dressing codes for young urban people. 

Japan dishes

Lately, different trends have risen in Japan producing many collectives like gals, ganguro, yamambas, and lolitas; the latter being the most identified outside Japan. The food is another thing that captures everyone’s attention; infinite varieties of sushi can be found in this country, and some other exotic and delicious dishes. Japan is a country that has much to offer to everyone who is interested in its enormous culture.

Korea, a country that has quickly developed

Another Eastern Asia country to visit is South Korea. A country that borders only with North Korea- both used to be only one big country before 1945- the Yellow Sea, East Sea/Sea of Japan and Korean Strait. It’s a country that has quickly developed its industries and technologies since it separated from North Korea. South Korea, a coastal country, usually uses boat transport.

The country has its culture based in Buddhism and also Confucianism, that’s why there are many monuments and temples dedicated to Buddha. They have a big cultural identity that includes the food, the architecture, the music, the theater and the films.  South Korea is a country where ancient culture is met with modern technology.

Thailand, a country that has overcome many adversities

Inside Southeast Asia there is a country that captivates the heart of many; that country is Thailand.  Thailand is a country that has overcome many adversities, like the tsunami of 2004, which cost the lives of many people. Buddhism is the main religion. If you visit a temple you could practice meditation in Thailand

Explore Bangkok

The main and capital city of Thailand is Bangkok, which is one of the biggest cities in Asia, and also one of the most modern cities of Asia. It is very advisable to explore Bangkok by boat, because it is a cheap and entertaining means of  transportation. Bangkok is a country that represents the union between the modern and ancient history of a country.

Asia is a continent that offers many alternatives to visit. The countries mentioned above are the most popular but there are also many other countries that have a lot of interesting and beautiful attractions to discover.

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