Argentina Nature

If you want to travel to Argentina, there are some things you have to know, that is why we invite you to read this article. Argentina is located in the South and West Hemisphere , the country has a great diversity in land and culture, it’s bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay on the north; Chile and the Atlantic Ocean on the south; Brazil, Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean on the east and Chile on the west. You’ll find in Argentina nature a diversity of landscapes, the contrast of ice fields and arid zones, mountains and valleys, forests and lakes and more. The variety of lands makes the climate of this country also diverse.

Buenos Aires weather

You’ll find in Argentina many types of weather such as: warm, moderate, arid and cold. All of them depend on the zone; the area with more humidity and rainfall the whole year round is the Northern area and other tropical zones. The moderate climate is mostly found in Buenos Aires weather that due to its location is characterized by the lack of a definite cold period and the weather is ideal during spring and fall because in summer seasons the climate becomes very hot and the humidity is very high.

Learn more about Argentine culture

Buenos Aires is a great destination due to the climate and landscapes. The city offers visitors many opportunities to learn more about the culture of Argentina; it’s a beautiful European-like city with stunning sightseeing, restaurants and nightlife, in which you can expect good services and a wide range of options. If you travel to Buenos Aires it’ll be a good idea for a class of Tango or a good place to go and watch some authentic Tango; you can get a Tango Map Guide and find a variety of places to enjoy the Tango.

Learn Spanish language in Argentina

For people interested in the culture of Argentina, a great way to know more this country is by learning the language, you can find many schools to learn Spanish language in Argentina and you can practice your Spanish by getting around the city through the 48 districts or barrios in which the city is divided; the most important are: Microcentro, San Telmo, La Boca, Pelermo, Recoleta, Bergrano, Almagro, Boedo, Cabellito, Congreso, San Cristobal, Puerto Madero, Once, Retiro, Tribunales.

Seasons to travel to Buenos Aires

If you are planning to travel to Buenos Aires, the most important aspect to consider is maybe the season to travel, you must remember that summer are from December to February, fall is March to May, winter is June to August, and spring is September to November, if you need more information you can visit some travel guides or look the current climate through a webcam.

We recommend visiting this wonderful city during spring and fall because the climate is pleasant and most festivals take place in these seasons; but no matter the time you visit Buenos Aires Argentina, it’ll always have something exciting for you.

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