Asia, the most populated continent

Asia is the biggest and most populated continent; it has 47 countries. In an Asia map, it is possible to see all of them and identify them correctly. 60% of the population lives in Asia. This continent has the highest economic growth of the world; unfortunately, this growth is not uniform. There are very rich and developed countries such as Japan, China, Russia, and Thailand but there are also many underdeveloped countries such as Tajikistan, Cambodia, and Laos.  Let’s talk a little about some of them.


Japan is considered as the third most powerful economy in the world. For this reason, its language is gaining a lot of importance. The number of people who study Japanese is significantly increasing. There are Japanese schools in almost every country but the ones in Japan are the most recommended because when you’re studying in a foreign country you will be completely immersed in the language. While you learn Japanese, you will also learn about its ancient culture which is full of traditions. 


It is likely to become the most important country in some years later due to the sustained economic growth that it has steadily been having. This development is basically thanks to the manufacturing industry. It is estimated that around 25% of the manufactured products of the world are produced in China


Thailand’s economy has increased due to its exportations that represent more than 50% of its incomes. Thailand exports machines, devices, appliances, jewelry and agricultural products, etc.Thai people are very respectful and strict in aspects like traditions, religion and time. Thailand Opening Hours in various businesses such as banks, stores, government offices, etc are the same in most parts of the country. Business transactions are done during office time only, regardless of the time zone differences. You should check the most appropriate Thailand time that is concordant with the time of your country to do any type of business transaction.

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