Education in France

There are several reasons to travel to France, but the most popular ones are tourism, business and education. Many young people visit France so as to discover and try new interesting things and expand their culture. Education in France is the most recognized worldwide, because there are plenty of quality schools, universities, and colleges providing a competitive higher education. Education in France is obligatory for everyone and has many levels.

  • 6 – 11 years École élémentaire (Primary School)
  • 11-15 years Collège (Junior High)
  • 15-18 years Lycée (High school)
  • 18- More Le baccalaureat (superior education) 

Getting higher education in France

French culture

Before traveling to France, foreign students have to bear in mind that the French culture is very different in many aspects, so they must adapt French customs to their lifestyle. So as to have a pleasant trip, students need to know more about this fascinating country. 

  • The French language is the third most spoken in the world after Spanish and English, so it is compulsory to learn French in order to meet new people and make a lot of friends. Many language schools in France provide necessary resources to learn this language easily. In addition, listening and trying to speak everyday with native speakers is an advantage to improve your language French skills. 
  • French cuisine is the most exquisite and famous in the world; a perfect combination of ingredients, flavors and cultures, all of this makes gastronomy a human legacy. According to UNESCO all the French cooking schools in the world are a result of an intangible cultural Human Heritage. Knowing the recipes of the basic dishes such as the Souffle, Mousse, Tapenade and the exquisite Ratatouille, is a correct way to assimilate French culture properly. 
  • French people eat exotic meals, as an example we can mention the dishes with escargot (snails), exclusive restaurants in France serve expensive meals with this ingredient on the menu. In order to share some basic information about escargot recipes, here is a list with the most popular ones.
  • Escargots au Riesling (Snails with wine sauce)
  • Escargots en croûte de noisette (Snails in spinach cream)
  • Escargots canaille (Tomato sauce with nails)
  • Gratin d’escargots (Baked snails) 

A big deal for French people

Becoming a professional in the French cuisine or in the fashion industry is a big deal for French people. France is very famous for having the best international chefs and fashion designers in the world, in this way those careers are very respected and demanded. Some Fashion design schools and culinary schools offer scholarships for free to many foreign people. 

Driving schools in France

Having an international driver license is a big advantage in France, Spain, Italy, German or any other European country, because as a way of transportation, renting a car is the best option to know these countries. Sometimes this is a big problem for many people that have not taken a driver license lesson yet. Fortunately France possesses many driving schools providing international driver’s licenses.

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