Explore Argentina

Argentina is the country situated in the Southern Part of the South American Continent; this country is considered a paradise for travelers due to the wonderful landscapes, the vibrant cities and its unique culture. If you want to Explore Argentina you’ll see a wide array of geography and climates.

Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world, and it’s divided into 5 regions:

  • Andean Northwest: 
  • Chaco 
  • Cuyo 
  • Mesopotamia 
  • Pampas 
  • Patagonia 
  • Tierra del Fuego 

Argentine Attractions

Each region of Argentina has great highlights from geographical attractions, Argentina Festivals, historical remains, and more. The most popular places to enjoy the nature and environment of Argentina are: The Iguazú National Park, Los Glaciares National Park, The Valdes Peninsula, Quebrada de Humahuaca and the highest and the lowest points of South America Cerro Aconcagua and Salinas Chicas.

The most important festivals in Argentina

The most important festivals in Argentina are: The National Folklore Festival of Cosquin, Gualeguaychu Carnival, Buenos Aires Tango Festival, Arte Buenos Aires- Contemporary Art Fair, Rosario Latin American Video Festival, Immigrant’s Festival, Musical Week Llao Llao, International Meeting of Wood-Stone-Iron Sculpture in Rosario; the OktoberFest Argentina like the Oktoberfest held each year in Berlin Germany, Communities Meeting and National Celebration.

The name for Argentina comes from the Latin, the word Argentum means silver; the country is friendly, safe and very affordable compared with other destinations of Europe or USA.

Opportunities to learn Spanish

The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires, which offers opportunities to learn Spanish, dance a sexy tango, practice some sports or watch them from the stadium or television or enjoy the nightlife. Apart from the capital, other important cities are Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, La Plata, San Miguel de Tucuman, San Juan and Salta.

Tierra del Fuego (Ushuaia) or in English Land of Fire is located in the South of the country and it’s an archipelago that includes the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego with other islands; Tierra del Fuego hosts large areas protected as national parks and reserves such as: Tierra del Fuego and Alberto de Agostini national parks.

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