Food tourism

Food tourism is a new activity commonly practiced by travelers around the globe. This tendency consists of visiting the most important cities that have a good variety of culinary traditions. There is a big variety of cuisines around the world that differ in flavors, ingredients, preparations and combinations.

Nowadays, some nations such as France and Italy have earned a big prestige because they offer elegant and exquisite dishes that promote tourism; in fact, thousands of people visit these countries each year. However, there are other countries that have exquisite cuisine and a strong cultural tradition at the same time. As an example, we can mention the exotic and varied cuisine in South America.

The most important countries that have an excellent gastronomy

South America is really recognized in the world as the continent that has the most interesting cultural combinations of races, flavors, dialects, climates, seasons and traditions. Foreign people visit South America to learn Spanish, but the principal tourist attraction of the zone is the cuisine. There are a large number of dishes that foreigners can try to learn about the traditions and historical background of each Latin American country. The most important countries that have an excellent gastronomy are as follows:

  • México
  • Argentina
  • Perú
  • Colombia

The Peruvian cuisine

Eating in Peru

Eating in Peru is one of the most enjoyable activities because the Peruvian cuisine is very delicious and varied. Even though the Peruvian cuisine is not recognized as a gourmet cuisine yet, a lot of people from different parts of the world love Peruvian food. In fact, there are many Peruvian restaurants in important cities such as London, New York and Los Angeles; they offer dishes such as the ceviche, the Papa a la huancaina, the pisco sour and the lomo saltado.

The Peruvian food

The Peruvian food, as any other cuisine in South America, has a big tradition and a great cultural heritage. It has Spanish, African and Incan influences. For example, the dish called “rice with chicken” is served in different restaurants in South America; however, the Peruvian rice with chicken is totally different.

South America is an interesting area to visit. Foreigners can find high mountains, green forests, spectacular landscapes and historical monuments. Despite the bad reputation about the high rate of crime in the area, there are a lot of friendly and nice people. Visitors can find a good Peruvian, Brazilian or Argentina mate traveling around the region.

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