A massage is the action of pressing and rubbing onto people’s bodies in order to help them relax or reduce pain in the muscles or joints. There are many massage techniques; some of them are new like the ones that have a cosmetic purpose. However, ancient techniques are always required by people. Some of the most popular kinds of massages are the Thai and the Chinese massages.

Thai massages, an ancient technique

Thai massages: it is an ancient technique with more than 2500 years which helps to restore the patient’s energy as well as his/her mental, physical and emotional balance. Thumbs, hands, palms, fingers, elbows, feet, knees and heels are used to make pressure in the energy lines of the body. 

In Thailand, there are many people who offer this service. You have to be careful because this technique must be done only by professionals. Thai massages are given in private offices. Thai Businesses do not open during Thailand Holidays but some massage centers, stores, shops and businesses related to sales (especially the ones near touristic places) do not close. 

Chinese massages

Thailand time has about one hour of difference with China which is another country where you can find traditional and mystic massages. Chinese massages are also very popular because they do not only cause relaxation and release of pain; they are also used in beauty treatments. Its original name is Tui-Mo (press-rub). 

Hong Kong weather

They can only be given by a trained and prepared person; the most appropriate places to receive these kinds of massages are spas. Hong Kong has some of the most famous spas; they are recognized for their comfort and experienced workers. If one day you do not want to go out because of the Hong Kong weather and its constant rain, some companies provide a delivery service, so you can receive a massage in your own house. 

But a massage is not the only thing that you can find in Thailand or in China, they have several touristic places to visit. In general, Asian countries are a mixture of traditions and modernity. If you are not very convinced about the beautiful places that Asian countries have, you can see a video  about some touristic places.

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