Argentinian mate

Argentina is famous for its culture, which includes arts, history, traditions. Customs, dance, music and food; Argentina has a national dish and a national drink too. The popular drink of Argentina The Argentinian mate (yerba mate) is an infused drink very popular in this country and can be qualified as Leer más…

Argentina festivals

Festivities arranged by months Argentina has many of holidays, these holidays cam be national, regional or provincial. There are also others anniversaries but they are not qualified as a holidays because they are normal working days. Argentina Festivals are always related to The Catholic Church, civic festivals, commemorations and touristic Leer más…

Argentina history

The Argentinean territory In the beginning, the Argentinean territory was inhabited by some nomadic tribes, one of these tribes was the Yamana who lived in Patagonia. The North West part of Argentina was part of the Inca Empire, this conquest was one of the Inca achievements.  Colonization of spain In Leer más…