A part of Russian culture

Russian folk dances are colorful and are fun to watch and to dance. Some Russian children go to special classes after school to learn how to do the old folk dances. These dances depict village life and customs, such as exciting sleigh rides behind a troika, a team of three horses pulling a sleigh, or girls and boys teasing each other.  Folk dances are part of Russian culture, Russian folk dances developed form agricultural rites and rituals connected with festivals through the year, such as the harvest. Some early dances were linked to the pre-Christian cult fertility. These traditions survived periods of persecutions by the Russian Orthodox Church as well as neglected during part the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 

The variety of festive occasions in Russia

Russian folk dances have remained popular over the centuries in Russia. Russian folk dancers perform at a variety of festivity occasions, including festivals, country fairs, and weddings. They often wear traditional costumes made of brightly colored and featuring intricate embroidery work. Many of Russia’s ethnic groups perform their own unique dances for special events and celebrations. Some of these Russian folk dances relate stories of Russian life, tradition and culture. Others are designed to celebrate certain times of the year, such as harvest-time and the beginning of spring. 

Traditional dance companies in Russia

There was a considerable renewed interest in traditional dance as people’s culture in Soviet times. As a result, Russian folk dance is now part of their traditional folk culture, preserved and researched, and generously sponsored by the state. Russia has a number of high-profile traditional dance companies such as Russkaya Ilyasova, The National Dance Show, Bersoyazka, The Moiseyev Dance Company, and Berinya. It was, however, classical ballet rather than Russian folk dances that won international acclaim for Russian dance. This is the reason why all people who book a Russian trip include a ticket to see Russian ballet. 

Russian learners

Russian learners must research Russian folk dance, culture, traditions and history. These topics will help you decide to visit Russia, learning Russian and having the best learning experience.  You will enjoy learning about Russian folk dances. Each dance has a wonderful history and its origin can be fascinating for many. It is sure you will not get bored reading about Russian culture and its folk dances. 

There are many Russian folk dances but the most popular ones are Barynya and Trepak. You can learn about these dances at the same time you improve your Russian skills. You will never regret doing it. There are many powerful reasons to do this task. Russian people enjoy reading and speaking about their traditions and culture.

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