Learn Italian in Italy

People that visit Italy have several reasons to do that; whether it’s to learn Italian in Italy, visit ancient buildings and monuments (it’s known that Italy hosts more than a half of the art works and masterpieces worldwide), taste some of the Italian cuisine, learn about Italian culture and get amazed with all sceneries that one can find in a tour through all the country, most visitors take advantage of a trip to Italy visiting Rome, it’s because it hosts the largest historical center in the world.

Tourism in Rome

Festivals in Italy

In fact, festivals in Italy are other prominent reasons why people visit Italy; celebrations such as: the Holy Week, Epifania, Festival dei Due Mondi, Bologna summer festival, Umbria Jazz Festival, Estate Romana, Festa di Antonio, Festa di Noiantri and a lot more.

If you’re interested in visiting Italy, we recommend you to stay in Rome; if you’ve not decided yet, you’ll see several facilities on the Internet, such as maps, travel guides,Rome photos, and more that will convince you to visit this spectacular place and at the same time will help you to plan your trip.

The Colosseum in Rome

A visit to the Colosseum to find your inner gladiator in the vast arena of entertainment that hosted over 50000 people; you can join an audience in St. Peter Square with the Pope at the Vatican and admire a lot of paintings of Michelangelo, whether you’re a religious person or not. One of the things you must include in your itinerary is a visit to Sant’ignazio, a Roman Catholic titular church dedicated to San Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of Jesuit Order. 

Rome, a miniature world

Rome is a gorgeous city, considered as a miniature world with countless things to see and to do; so it’s said that many people that come to visit Rome never leave and gets seriously attached to the town not only because all experiences they gain through the trip, but also for the Romans; people in Rome accepted you no matter your conditions, ideas, where you come from, your profession, or economic situation.

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