Tourism in Turkey

Tourism in Turkey is one of the principal activities of that country, because the majority of people work in some jobs related to tourism, but it is not the only source to receive money, like any other country they have the special jobs and resources to live a comfortable life. In 2010 Turkey received more than 28.6 million foreign tourists. 

Turkey tourist attractions

Karatay Medresi

Karatay Medresi is the principal piece of medieval Turkish art, it was built in 1251 by the Emir in the city of Konya, since 1955 it has become a museum, and this one enriched in 1970 with the findings collected in Kubadabad Palace royal summer residence.

St. Sophia Museum

St. Sophia Museum is one of the principal attractions not only because it is a museum and has good pieces and collections, it is the best place to visit because it is the masterpiece of Byzantine art, this amazing construction was built in the 6th century and it is the 3rd church of this site, and considered the largest church. The blue mosque of the sultan Ahment Camii is one of the most beautiful mosques in the world, the name of blue came from the decoration into the mosque, it was built in 1616 and reflects the splendor of the Islam, this building was the principal enclosure for the Ottoman Empire. 

Pamukkale Cotton Castle Denizli Turkey 

Pamukkale Cotton Castle Denizli Turkey is a big natural wonder of the world, it is the only geological formation in 14 000 years, most people believe that the spring water of this place has therapeutic qualities and cure rheumatism, kidney and heart diseases. Necropolis is the city, the home of this place and this city has other attractions too, like the Theater, Temple of Apollo, Colonnaded Street, Byzantine Gate, Plutonium and Necropolis. 

Other places to visit in Turkey

There are other good places to visit and here we present you some: Ephesus, Cappadocia Region, Pergamon, Sardis, Aspendus, Commagene Kingdom at Mt. Nemrut, Gallipoli Canakkale.  

If you travel to India you must compare the architecture with Turkey, and some expressions and details can be the same but exceptionally those are different cultures and have important knowledge in this area. In Turkey all the tourists can be comfortable, because most people know English because in every school the students study English and this language is the second most spoken language in this country. 

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