Germany, a modern European country

Germany is a modern European country where you’ll find facilities for tourists; if you are planning a trip to Germany you must consider that it is the largest country in central Europe therefore it has many attractions and highlights spread around the country. Germany is one of the most influential countries in Europe and it’s considered an economic power with its high-tech products.

Berlin transport

The country is well-connected by its great system transportation, which connects the 16 states that conforms the federal republic, the transportation is characterized by its German efficiency especially in the capital of Germany, where Berlin transport is implemented by splendid and integrated networks.

A visit to Germany must be a planned travel, it’s important to get all the information possible, which include the costs and season (weather); and it depends on the region that you want to visit. Some of the most popular destinations in Germany are: Berlin and Munich.


Munich is located in the region of Bavaria and luckily for foreign people, most people in the city know English then you can meet and contact new people easily. According to Munich history, the city was bombed during World War II and then it was rebuilt. The city is famous for its architecture that stunned tourists due to its quality, and culture and the festivals that are held in the city.

The Oktoberfest in Munich

The most remarkable festival in Munich is the Oktoberfest beer celebration, which is celebrated since 19th century every 12 October in front of the city tower, in this festival people can taste a variety of culinary delights from different types of cuisine and the best beer especially prepared for the festival; besides the food and drinks, If you attend to Oktoberfest you’ll see many souvenirs like stuffed animals and candy floss.

Munich weather

Munich is a great destination; and the season that you can travel to enjoy the best of what is offered by this ironic city depends on Munich weather, the city counts with a nice weather as in whole Bavaria, according to the season the climate can be very cold in winter and warm in summer with some cool and rainy days in July and August. And the most popular months to visit Munich are May and October, due to the festivals and celebrations but not the weather. On the other hand, the peak season in which most tourists visit Munich is between May to September.

Information about the weather in Munich

Find some information on weather and temperatures in Munich

MonthAverage T min (°C)Average T max (°C)

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