Latin America is one of the largest, most multicultural and most fascinating realms. People use the term “Latin America” to refer to the land mass south of the US; most Latin American countries have Spanish as their official language, so Spanish is the third most widely spoken language in the world.  The Spanish colonization between the 16th and 17th centuries ensured Spanish and it became the predominant language throughout 20 countries on the American continent and in the Caribbean.

Latin American Spanish

Latin American Spanish derives from the Spanish of South Spain, because most settlers of Latin America came from Andalusia. Latin American Spanish developed independently of its predecessor, so there are grammatical and lexical differences between the two main varieties of this language; however, they still share the same basic syntax.

The Latin American Pronunciation of Spanish

The Latin American Pronunciation of Spanish is different to Spanish Pronunciation, this is because other factors such as culture differences and regional languages influenced that process. Spanish accents vary from country to country in Latin America. If one listens to Argentine music and Peruvian music; one will notice many differences between the Spanish accent of the Argentinian singer and the Peruvian singer.

The written Spanish

The written Spanish is standard in Latin America; Latin America Spanish grammar follows the rules of the Real Academy of Spanish Language (RAE “Real Academia Española”), this institution oversees the correct use of Spanish orthography, lexicon and syntax; however, many countries have their own Spanish expressions that come from a fusion of local languages and Spanish, these expression don’t follow the rules of RAE, but they are very popular in oral communication.   

Spanish culture

Many speaking-Spanish countries have their own vocabulary so many words can have different meanings in other countries; it’s a good idea to have a Latin America Spanish dictionary to manage the most common expressions. Spanish culture has influence over Latin American cultures; this fusion has created several traditions, although some countries such as Peru, Colombia, Chile and Mexico try to preserve their original traditions, because people believe they get them close to their origins.

Learn Spanish 

There are several ways to learn a language, but the total immersion is the best; many language students travel to a Latin American country in order to learn Spanish. Latin American people are very friendly, they are always open to help somebody else. There are many language schools all over Latin America; these schools offer different kinds of Spanish programs and one can learn Spanish as a native speaker. There are many reasons to travel to any Latin American country; these wonderful countries have many tourist attractions to offer.

Latin America is the perfect continent to learn Spanish, although each country has some dialect differences, Spanish is very standard. More foreign students visit Latin America to improve their Spanish accents and vocabulary, and one can learn many different cultures.

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