Kingston, a small city in the province of Ontario

Kingston is a small city in the province of Ontario, Canada. It is located between Montréal and Toronto, on the north shore of Lake Ontario and St Lawrence. Kingston is a city where you can find the beauty of yesterday and the sophistication of today.

History of Canada

As we know Canada was colonized by European British and French that is one of the reasons why Kingston has architecture with both styles. The city is one of the most historic cities in Canada with pictorial neighborhoods, several churches, old buildings, and 19th century fortifications. The city is home of many museums from small specialized museums to national historic treasures, Kingston counts with 22 museums and historic sites and 3 art galleries.

Kingston attractions 

The most important Museums

The most important Museums are: Agnes Etherington Art Center,  Anglican Diocese Of Ontario Archives, Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation, Bellevue House, Fort Henry, Frontenac, International Hockey Hall Of Fame Museum, Kingston General Hospital Archives, Marine Museum Of The Great Lakes At Kingston, Military Communications And Electronics Museum, Miller Museum Of Geology And Mineralogy , Murney Tower National Historic, Princess Of Wales’ Own Regimental Museum, The Museum of Health Care at Kingston, Queen’s University Archives, Royal Military College Museum, and Union Gallery.

The Rideau Waterway

One of the most important attractions of Kingston is the newest UNESCO World Heritage Site, The Rideau Canal also known as The Rideau Waterway. It is a canal system that uses major rivers such as the Rideau and the Cataraqui, and some lakes. It is operated by Parks Canada as a recreational waterway.

Canadian festivals

Regardless the date of your Kingston travel, you will always find a Canadian festival during the year, festivals such as the Limestone City Blues Festival, the Kingston Canadian Film Festival, Fanfayr, Kingston Jazz Festival, Reelout Film Festival, the Kingston Buskers’ Rendezvous, Kingston WritersFest, Feb Fest, the Wolfe Island Music Festival among other festivals.

Another characteristic of the city is the nightlife as vibrant and exciting as some New York neighborhoods with many clubs, pubs, discotheques, bars and restaurants and in summers there are many lively events. 

Come and visit Kingston, a city with an amazing greatness and incredible heritage.

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