Japan, a country with a lot of traditions and culture

Japan is a country with a lot of traditions and culture, but it is nowadays becoming more and more similar to western countries. Japanese people reflect their culture on media, such as television and internet, and music. These new trends and behaviors are better known in Japanese pop culture.

Japanese pop culture or popular culture refers to the elements of the “modern Japan” elements such as the Anime, Manga, Cosplay, JPop, JRock, Japanese Movies, Japanese fashion, Japanese Television, etc.

In the last decade, those elements have been positioned around the world, having a great acceptance in the United States and Europe.

The elements of the modern Japan

The Anime

The Anime is a type of cartoon that differs from the one from Disney in themes and audience because Anime covers themes such as romance, action, horror and comedies, being not just for children but for people of any age. Anime and Manga even cover social issues such as teen suicides, high school rivalries, sexuality, homosexuality and social rebellion.


Cosplay is another custom of Modern Japan, where Anime and Manga fans wear the costume and accessories of their favorite characters. This has become a traditional form of party for fans and enthusiastic teenagers.    

The game industry 

The game industry has also increased and influenced companies like Nintendo and Sony. They produce a massive quantity of video games that have a great acceptance around the world and have been in serious competition for the Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3.  

Japanese music 

Japanese music has been a boom in America, and some young Japanese artists have had incredible international success. The JPop, JRock Visual Kei and many other Japanese sounds are enormously accepted by people worldwide.

The film and television industry 

The film and television industry have plenty of fans too. Recent movies portray a mix of genres such as horror and Kaiju films together with Manga and Anime. Adaptations have an incredible acceptance around the world, and soap operas are another surprise because they have won the attention of many people.

Japanese fashion 

Japanese fashion has been highly recognized around the world. Nowadays, young people and teenagers dress like their favorite Anime star, and that is why the Japanese style has replaced many other cultures’ styles.

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