Brazil, a popular destination among young tourists

Brazil is a popular destination among young tourists due to the great number of activities for them; you can find many reasons to stay, the famous Brazil festivals, the wonderful sights of the cities, the vibrant nightlife, and nature.

Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city of Brazil

Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city of this country and it’s commonly referred as Rio; Rio is recognized by its stunning mountains, the carnivals and the statue of Christ the Redeemer overlooking the city, which is the most important monument of the Catholic parishioners and one of the New Seven Wonders, and other interesting places in this city.

Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer is located at the top of the Corcovado Mountain, the statue is considered an icon of Rio and Brazil. The Christ was made of reinforced concrete instead of steel and the construction took nine years; it was also damaged several times by nature and human influences but the government and archdiocese were in charge of the restoration.

The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

Christ the Redeemer overlooks the city, especially the Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, which is the most visited place in the city; it is located on the North Eastern coast of Rio de Janeiro, which you can see as a large strip of land between the Atlantic Ocean and the mountains. Along the harbor you’ll see hotels, shopping malls, office blocks, venues from which you can get incredible views of the city and the sea.

The harbor of Rio de Janeiro was formed by nature, because the coast was gradually being eroded by the waves from the Atlantic Ocean. But the harbor as we know today was colonized by Portuguese explorers in the 16th century.

Rio de Janeiro Weather

The harbor offers many impressive sights for travelers, but most people choose to view it from the tops of surrounding mountains such as Sugar Loaf Mountain and Corcovado; if you want to get to Rio the Janeiro and enjoy of all that the harbor offers you must check for the perfect season, which is September and October according to the Rio de Janeiro Weather.

Learn Portuguese

There are some difficulties at the moment that a tourist visit the harbor because there are few workers in the commercial sector that speak any language but Portuguese; that is why if you want to work in Brazil or study at the university or take any of the mba courses you must be prepared and study some Portuguese courses before your trip.    

Don’t miss the opportunity to know this place, which amazes geologists and many people say “God made the world in six days and on the seventh, he concentrated on Rio”.

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