The German language is one of the Western Germanic languages widely spoken in the European Union with approximately 98 million speakers.

German speaking countries

German is spoken in the countries of Germany (95%), Austria (89%), Switzerland (65%), also in Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein (official language). Some others communities are found in Northern Italy, East Cantons of Belgium, Alsace and Lorraine in France, South Jutland County of Denmark, little communities  in the countries of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Russia and Kazakhstan, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Morocco, Netherlands, Portugal, Scandinavia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

High German and Low German.

Beside the Standard German, there are two variations of the Language, called High German and Low German.

The Low German was the lingua franca of the Hanseatic League. It was the predominant language in Northern Germany, but with printing of the Luther Bible, the High German gained more prestige than the Low German, beside that the High German was started to be used on science and on the German literature, these and others reasons increase the use of the High German in the central and southern regions, which led the use of  the low German to become a language for uneducated people or a language just to be used at home. However, Germans are capable of speaking it and responding to it, but since the Second War, the use of Low German has decreased continuously.

The capital of Germany, Berlin

Nowadays, most of the population in Germany speaks standard German, there are some little variations but they are imperceptible. The capital of Germany, Berlin, one of the most amazing European cities, has many institutions that teach German.

Berlin is very important in many different aspects such as culture, politics, media, and science. Berlin has many attractions, museums, monuments, palaces, art galleries and many other cultural sites, also it has many places for recreation such as parks, beautiful gardens, lakes, rivers. 

So if you are planning to take some courses here, you will find all the things easy, here you will not only learn the language but the culture too. Berlin transport is cheap and safe, Berlin restaurants everywhere, and comfortable and cheap apartments or hotels too.  

What are you waiting for? Come and have an amazing experience learning a new language, meeting new people, learning the culture and enjoying all the marvelous attractions of Berlin.

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