Why Travel To France?

If you are planning to travel to some country, have you thought about France as a tourist destination? France has so much to offer to tourists. Not many people know that France is one of the most visited countries in the world, for example over 79 million people visit France each year. Due to France being an amazing country and with a great culture, most visitors are widely intrigued by France’s glorious past.

One can find many interesting things to do in France, for example:

  • You can enjoy France’s cuisine, which is considered as one of the most delicious in the world, in a renowned French restaurant.
  • You can visit one of the thirty amazing French sites, which are designated as World heritage sites by UNESCO, such as the Eifel tower, Palace of Versailles, Palace of the Popes, Arc de Triomphe, the Prince’s Palace and Château de Chambord.
  • Apart from its monuments, France can offer a wide variety of natural sites such as mountains, valleys, forests and of course some of the best European Beaches.
  • You can meet nice people in some of the famous Paris Festivals.

French Language for Travelers

Because France is widely spoken in many countries such as Canada, Belgium, and Switzerland and in many African Countries, learning French is almost a necessity for travelers. So, if you are determined to visit France or some country where it is spoken, you must keep in mind some important things that will make your trip more enjoyable.   Money and language are two of them. Due to France not being a cheap country, you must have enough money to enjoy everything that this country can offer. 

Learning French is also important for travelers. Unlike many people, French is not difficult to learn, but as any language, it requires great effort and sometimes a lot of money to pay for a language school. It is advisable for travelers to learn, at least, some important French sentences to communicate with French people. 

  • Excusez –moi: Excuse me
  • S’il vous plait: Please.
  • Merci: Thanks.
  • Pouvez-vous l’ecrire s’il vous plait?: Could you write that, please?
  • Pouvez-vous répéter s’il vous plaît?: Could you repeat that please?
  • combien ça coûte?: How much it costs?
  • Où puis-je trouver un taxi?: Where can I take a taxi?
  • Tu peut m’aider s’il vous plait?: Could you help me please ?

You can improve your French skills by talking with locals and if you want to learn in a short time, it is advisable to enroll in a language school because it will teach you French grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation in a better way.

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