French Phrases for Travelers to Montreal and Quebec City

French language in Canada

French and English are the two official languages of Canada. Although, Most Canadian people Speak English, there are some important regions where French is the dominant language. Montreal and Quebec are two cities where most people speak French. So, if you are planning to visit any of these cities, you must keep in mind that learning French will be very helpful for your stay.

French in Montreal

Montreal is a beautiful city where 67.8% of people have French as their mother tongue, only 13, 8% of people speak English and more than half the population speak both French and English. An interesting aspect is that Montreal is considered as the second largest City where French is spoken in the world after Paris. The French spoken in Montreal has some variations due to the influence of other languages like English and the native Canadian languages. 

French in Quebec

Quebec is a beautiful city that is located in east-central Canada and is considered the oldest Francophone city in North America. French is the official language in Quebec and it is used in everyday communication as well as in education and of course in the government. Like Montreal, the Québécois French has some variations due to the influence of the native languages.

Montreal and Quebec are widely visited by many tourists from all over the world due to their large variety of natural attractions. If you want to travel to any of these cities, it is advisable learning at least a little French before your trip. This is a list with some basic French phrases that will be greatly helpful in your stay.

  • Excusez –moi: excuse me.
  • S’il vous plaît: please.
  • Merci: thank you
  • Je ne parle pas français: I do not speak French.
  • bonjour!: Hello, Good morning.
  • je m’appelle… : My name is…
  • comment tu t’appelles? What is your name?
  • au revoir!: Bye!
  • à plus tard!: See you later.
  • Enchanté de faire votre connaissance: Delighted to meet you.
  • Où est la gare?: Where is the railway station?
  • Où se trouvent les toilettes publiques les plus près d’ici?: Where are the nearest public toilets?
  • Il faut prendre quelle direction, pour aller vers le centre ville?: Which way is the town centre from here?

Like these phrases, there are many other French sentences that will help you for example if you are asking for banks information. If you ask how to learn French?, the most advisable is enrolling in a language school, but if you do not have enough time, there are many sites to learn French online on the internet.

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