Kenya, an incredible country in Africa

Kenya is an incredible country in Eastern Africa, bordered by Somalia to the north east, Tanzania to the south, Ethiopia and South Sudan to the north and Uganda to the west. Its name is due to Mount Kenya, Africa’s second highest peak.

Kenya’s Population

Kenya’s Population is 73% young, aged below 30 years, due to rapid population growth and the lowest life expectancy mainly due to poverty. People in Kenya came from different Ethnic groups: Kikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%, other African 15%, non-African (Asian, European, and Arab) 1%. 

The official languages in Africa

As most of the African countries, Kenya is a multilingual country counting 69 languages approximately, but just two official languages: the Bantu Swahili language and English. The languages in Kenya are a reflection of the diverse ethnic, beliefs and religions of the different groups found in Africa. 

The different communities in Kenya

Kenya has many diverse communities such as the Swahili on the coast, pastoralist communities in the north, and many different communities in the central and western regions. For example, The Massai culture is very remarkable because of its traditional lifestyle and their elaborate upper body adornment and jewelry. Drinking cow blood is a typical tradition; they said it makes your body stronger and warmer.

Most Kenyans are Christian, with 45% Protestant and 33% as Roman Catholic. Other religions practiced are: 10% Islam and 12% indigenous religions.

Kenya’s Music

Kenya’s Music is part of the culture, they have many different instruments used, but the guitar is the most popular among native instruments. Its music joins different rhythms and a big variety of regional languages. The favorite kinds of music are folk music, and the Benga music

The most famous dishes in Kenya

As the cuisine is part of the culture, they have many dishes based on beef, chicken, lamb, pork, seafood, rice, beans, maize, and potatoes. Herbs and spices are not common, but they include a variety of tropical fruits like bananas, pineapples, papayas and seasonal citrus fruits. One of the most famous dishes is Pilau, rice with beef stew.

And if we talk about sports, Kenya is a dynamic country; it won many medals during the Beijing Olympics. For instance, they won five gold, five silver, and four bronze medals, in the latest 2008 Olympics Games. They practice sports such as cricket, football (soccer), rugby, and boxing.

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