Australia’s cultural diversity

Australia is a land with a vast culture, the result of an exceptional unification of different cultures in time; especially the European (British and Irish) and aboriginal cultures. First inhabitants of Australia (see: Australia maps) were the Aborigines, an ethnic group, until the influx of European immigrants after James Cook discovered the country.

After World War II, many people from Europe, especially from Italy, The Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Turkey and Germany ( see: Germany history), migrated to Australia due to the policy of attracting immigrants for increasing the workforce. Therefore, Australia changed its image of an old homogenous, Anglo- Saxon and Protestant nation to a multi-cultural and multi-faith society.

The culture of Australia includes:  food, lifestyle, festivals and celebrations, education and more; but according to Australian society each citizen has the liberty to practice their own customs and all people are equal regardless of their race, culture, sex, place of birth or language. 

Australian people

Australian people are characterized by their love for life and their courage to enjoy it to the fullest; they’re proud of their culture and they conserve it through museums, exhibitions, books and monuments; the government organizes different cultural programs in order to show their customs and the legacy of the place.

Australian cuisine

Cuisine in Australia is one of the most varied worldwide; it represents the mixture of cultures such as the British and the indigenous with Mediterranean and Asian influences; Because of the abundance of natural resources, you can find a variety of quality meats, vegetables, seafood and other ingredients that make the food among the world’s best.

Lamb Pie

One of the most known deserts of Australian cuisine is the Lamb Pie, which is called Antipodean Lamb Pie because according to geography, the lands of Australia and New Zealand are diametrically opposite to the British Isles (anti means opposed and pous means food). The recipe is the result of the heritage of the oceanic culture; it consists of a sweet lamb pie popular on vegetarian menus, and it’s characterized for being crunchy.

Other dishes from Australian Recipes

Among other dishes from Australian Recipes you can find Crocodile Fillets, Kangaroo Steak, Stir fried Yabbies as Main courses, Lemon Myrtle and Chilli, Dipping Sauce, Barbecued Tomatoes, and Aussie Potato Pancakes as accompaniments; Anzac Biscuits and Peach and Lemon Myrtle Cheesecake and Passion fruit Pavlova as desserts. If you are interested in learning about the cuisine, you can learn in a few months at a cooking school and then look for cooking jobs.

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