Chinese culture

Among the ancient civilizations, China is definitely one of the few that has not experienced any major cultural disruptions. With over 5000 years of history, Chinese culture has maintained its essence despite the large number of changes in government and the influences of other cultures. If we start to think about only one thing that characterizes Chinese culture, we will realize that it is not possible to find only one because Chinese culture is a complex mixture of many amazing traditions, architecture, legends, music, religion, martial arts, cuisine and holydays, that makes it unique in the world.

Chinese population

With a total population of more than 1.3 billion people, China is the most widely populated and multi-ethnic country with more than 56 ethnic groups, being the most important the Han ethnic group comprising 92 percent of the Chinese population.  While it is true that all aspects of Chinese Culture are noteworthy, one of the most important is definitely Chinese architecture, which still today is considered as one of the most amazing. Chinese architecture, an important component of the system of world architecture providing many important techniques of wood and stone contractions and making many architectural miracles like the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, The Forbidden City and of course the Great Wall.

Chinese religion

Religion is another important thing to highlight in Chinese culture. Religion has played an important role in the development of this culture providing norms and improving Chinese inhabitants’ quality of life. Taoism and Buddhism are the two major religions in China, but there are people that consider Confucianism as a religion, actually being a school of philosophy rather than a religion. If you speak about China, you cannot stop mentioning its cuisine, considered as one of the tastiest in the world and contributing to the world on the aspects of food resource exploration, dishware design, cuisine aesthetics and health.   

Chinese music

China is also known for its beautiful music that dates back to the dawn of Chinese civilization, especially from Confucius ‘ time. There are many musical instruments that are integral to Chinese culture among which we can mention: qin, sheng and xiao, zheng, pipam and the erhu. Currently, China is a mixture of different music styles, in which we can find from the most ancient song played with traditional musical instruments, to the most modern music tendencies like metal, pop, Hip Hop and Rock.

Although, over time Chinese music has suffered many changes because of the influence of western culture, Chinese music, as many other aspects of Chinese culture, has kept its essence, proof of that are, for example: Chinese opera and Folk music that are still very important and crowded shows. If you want to know more about this amazing country, learning Chinese culture will transport you to a totally different world and learning Chinese will open you many important doors to find a better job in many fields. 

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