Alexandria, Egypt

Traveling around the world could be very expensive and probably you will not get to know all the places that you would like to visit, neither knowing all the details because of time or maybe because of expenses.

Nowadays, since the coming of the internet, it is so much easier to know or learn about all the places that you could just imagine. A very good way of knowing the world is through videos. These seem to be real and are much more entertaining than some geographic book.

One of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages

The catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa are located in Alexandria, Egypt. This historical monument is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages.

The necropolis

The necropolis consists of a set of catacombs, dating from the first century and the beginning of the second century, in the Roman Period. It is also known as the Alexandrian Catacombs because the design is very similar to the Christian Catacombs in Rome. These Catacombs were discovered in 1892 by chance; a donkey drawn cart fell into a pit, which led to the discovery. 

Bas-relief decoration

In Bas-relief decoration there is a mixture of Egyptian and Greco-Roman art forms, different from most Egypt Monuments. It comprises three levels, with numerous passages, vestibules, antechambers, burial chambers and niches carved into the rock. Since its discovery, two of the inferior levels were submerged; after the water level went down in 1995, only the lowest level was immersed.

Most of these monuments are very well described in many history books, encyclopedias, art magazines and documentaries, which show all the characteristics, history and all the things related to these historical monuments.  

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