The authentic Brazilian food

Brazil is an enigmatic and vibrant country; the country has the largest rainforest, the biggest waterfalls the greatest festivals and some of the wonders worldwide; but besides all the places that Brazil offers that amaze the world constantly; Brazil also has a unique cuisine, which reflects the cultural mix with a wide variety of Brazilian recipes that can be found across the country.

Regional cuisines

The authentic Brazilian food varies very much from a region or a state to another; these Regional cuisines can be identified through the Amazon, the fertile plantations of the coast and the pampas on the south because each land and climate offers the original ingredients used in each recipe besides the influence that they received from other countries and cultures.

Brazilian gastronomy

While Brazilian cooking has many similarities with its South American neighbors such as Peru with its delicious quinoa soup among other recipes; Brazilian gastronomy is uniquely tasty. The most common ingredients used for food are: black beans, rice, chicken, pork, seafood, pasta, tomatoes palm oil, cassava and more, it depends on the zone of the recipe.

We cannot talk about the Brazilian cuisine without talking about its national dish: The feijoada, which is a stew of beans with rice, beef and pork; according to history, the origin of this dish dates back to the 16th century when the African slave’s food (bean stew) was mixed with the European food (sausage and the farofa); the result was a heavy and energetic dish.

Brazilian food that you can learn to prepare

From the easier to the more complex recipes, Brazilian food has an endless variety of foods, which you can learn to prepare if you contact a cooking school; some of the well-known dishes are:

  • The freijoada
  • The Caipirinha
  • The Brazilian cafezinho
  • Ceja de Natal (Christmas food)
  • Arroz à Brasileira
  • Farofa
  • Molho apimentado
  • The Batidas and more.

You can access many of this food recipes and a lot more from the internet or cooking books, but if you want the original ingredients and preparation you must turn to the Brazilian; maybe most of the recipes are in Portuguese Language and you should by careful in transcribing the recipe in order to keep the exact words and avoid confusion.

Brazilians have the breakfast, lunch and dinner as eating habits; the Breakfast may include milk, bread, jam, the Brazilian coffee and fruits! The food for lunch depends on the place where you are and your budget but you’ll find many inexpensive restaurants to enjoy the typical food of the country. However, dinner is a lighter meal, which consists in café, milk, bread, cheese and other little appetizers.

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