The most interesting things to do in the Italian Capital

Most visitors and tourists will tell you that fully experiencing Rome in less than a week is impossible, and it is true because the eternal city has many charms and attractions that travelers should not miss the chance to see. Rome has the greatest number of attractions among all European cities. For this reason, I wrote about the most interesting things to do in the Italian Capital. Let’s start.

Piazza di Trevi

Visiting the Piazza di Trevi is one of them. Here, many tourists throw coins into the Trevi Fountain. According to tradition, if you throw one coin with your right hand and it lands on your left shoulder, you will come back to Rome. If you throw two coins, you will fall in love with a Roman woman, and if you throw three coins, you will marry her. Of course, that is only a tradition.

Piazza Venecia

La Piazza Venecia, this square is located near Campidoglio. This place is in the center of Rome, and many important places and routes are near it such as the Via de Fiori Emperiali, the Via dil Corso, and the Via dil Plebiscito. Also, the Venice Palace and the Unknown Soldier monument lie in this area. Another important place near here is The Roman Colosseum, the most representative building in the country. The building hosted around 50,000 people.

In addition, the best of Rome is formed by other charming places like Pìazza Spagna where you can find la Fontana della Barcaccia. The Church of the Holy Trinity is also located in this area. The Pantheon is another amazing place inside of the eternal city, and it is located in Rotonda square. Its construction was all an innovation to age, in addition, the building was constructed by Marco Agrippa, Lucius`s son, Consul of Rome.


Rome is waiting for you. Another important place to visit is Giolitti. It is one of the oldest establishments in Italy. Here, you can taste the most exclusive and delicious coffees and ice creams of all Rome. Another interesting place to visit is the Campana restaurant founded in 1518 to attend foreign people (Forestieri.) The establishment offers many old traditional dishes of Rome Culture, and some of them are in danger of disappearing like the Vignarola, a delicious spring soup with beans and peas.

These are examples of the variety of charms that Rome has. It is a city that combines its history with the attractiveness of today’s art.

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