Kobe travel

Kobe, one of the greatest cities in Japan  One of the greatest cities of Japan is Kobe, with incomparable modern buildings, which were rebuilt after the terrible earthquake in 1995 that killed more than 5000 people and destroyed thousands of buildings. The official symbol of the city is Kobe Tower. Leer más…


Japan pop culture Yamambas were part of Japan pop culture, a fashion trend that could have been borrowed from a Disney World Cartoon. These Fashion Slaves have taken Ganguro (Japanese tanned girls) into a movement fit to scare the top beauty schools in the world.  They could get tanners as Leer más…

Luxor, Egypt

Luxor is one of major attractions in Egypt, the capital of Luxor Governorate, located in the south of Egypt the Nile Valley. The city was the dynastic and religious capital of Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom Egypt, as the ancient city of Thebes , Luxor is considered  as  the “world’s Leer más…

Great Egyptian places

Probably one of the most famous places in Egypt is the city of Giza, because this place is home of the spectacular ancient pyramids that captured the world’s attention for centuries. These pyramids possess large and stunning structures and an original architectural style. These astonishing ancient structures attract thousands of Leer más…