Mortgage banks

If we have to leave home – on vacation, or work-study-, it is best that our bank is international and we have a credit card with Visa or MasterCard logo, and having mortgage banks  in all parts of the world. 

Banks by countries

The Banco Santander

For example, we have banks by countries, the Banco Santander as part of the Santander Group, with offices in Europe, Africa, Asia, etc, because it is one of the largest financial groups worldwide. Also, we have the Spanish Banco Popular, which has subsidiaries in Portugal, Belgium, Chile, Hong Kong, Germany, Colombia, Morocco, Netherlands, Switzerland, in Geneva and Zurich, Venezuela and the United Kingdom, too, thanks to Totalbank, has offices in Miami, United States. Banco Pastor also has offices in Latin America, Switzerland, France, England, etc.


Also, we talk about Caixabank, which has subsidiaries in France, Monaco and Andorra. Of course, speaking of Spanish banks with branches in different parts of the world, we can not stop talking about BBVA, which has subsidiaries in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Belgium, Chile, Paraguay, Munich- Germany, USA, France, Hong Kong, Mexico, Panama, England, Switzerland, Uruguay, Ecuador, etc. Bankia, is also present in countries such as Germany, Austria, China, USA, Ireland, France, Poland, Italy, UK and Poland. As we can see there are many Spanish companies that have subsidiaries in different parts of the world, especially in Latin America.


What we have to keep in mind is that, although our bank does not have a subsidiary in a given country, nothing bad will happen, because if our card is Visa or MasterCard, we will be able to withdraw money from any ATM. We just need to be careful with the currency exchange rate you have and any interest they can charge you, but if you need money for an emergency, you will not have problems. 

Remember that choosing a bank or a credit card is more serious than choosing, for example, a gym. Be careful if you travel to a country in conflict or with a high crime rate, so be particularly cautious when drawing money. Remember that the operation of the highest percentage of ATMs is always the same, so we will not have trouble understanding them.

Categorías: Travel Guide

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