If you learn a foreign language, it can increase your job opportunities. If you want to work abroad, it is essential you have a good command of the foreign language. There are jobs even in your country that require having a good knowledge of other languages such as Spanish and French.

Study languages abroad now!

If you want to work in another country, or just want to get a job that implies the use of other languages, then you must try to have a good command of them. Having adequate reading and writing skills can increase your possibilities to get such a job. Nowadays, in a globalized world companies look for people who are multilingual, it is also because the necessity demands of it.

It doesn’t matter the idiom you need to learn, some of the ways to achieve it, is enrolling in a language course. It can help you to improve or start getting the language skills you need.

Learn english, spanish or french abroad

Some job positions require knowing some idioms, so here we are talking about two of them which are considered as the 10 most spoken languages in the world, Spanish and French. These idioms are the most spoken after English, in the United States. Here, we are going to give you some related information about them, but first let us talk about an excellent option to learn other idioms: “language courses”.

Language courses

Knowing a second idiom opens new job opportunities. You must know that around the world there are job offers that require having foreign language skills, or speaking a second one. Many times these jobs also come with good payment. So, if you have weak language skills of the idiom you want to learn, then you can overcome them through language courses.

Language schools

Language schools are providers of high quality language training that intend to suit the needs of students using adequate methods. These centers count with experienced, certified and professional teachers which form the group in charge of the teaching. These centers offer language courses for beginners, for intermediate and for advanced students, so you can also choose from taking group or individual classes, of course the price between them vary, but paying for an individual class worths, because you can ask the questions you want to the teacher and practice speaking talking with him or her.

There are also free online lessons offered on the Internet. You can find easy-to-use guides that can allow you to learn the language. Whether you are a beginner or want to refresh your knowledge this can help. They are completely free, so it will depend on you to put effort and invest time to acquire the knowledge.

Spanish language

This idiom also called Castilian is spoken in 21 countries (Spain, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, among others) by over 550 million people. It is the second most common idiom after English in the USA, so there are many people there who speak it, more than other idioms such as Chinese, French, Japanese, among others. In California, a state with more Spanish speakers (over 12 million), Miami and Florida, with a large population of Latin Americans, it is important to speak Spanish to avoid having difficulty interacting with those people.     

Learn Spanish while working in South America or Spain

Job offers for Spanish speakers are varied and they can include jobs as client services, interpreters, translators, etc. For example there are jobs that require having Spanish knowledge to interpret Spanish to patients at clinics and at hospitals. 

In order to get a job that requires Spanish speakers, you can take some Spanish courses. These courses aim to give students the tools enough to achieve a good level of fluency and also good grammar knowledge. There are many kinds of Spanish courses; so, you have no excuses to avoid learning this fantastic language. 

Learn French language

French is the second most commonly taught language in the world after English. French speakers can be found in every continent across the world. This language is spoken in Monaco, some parts of Belgium, Switzerland, Canada (Quebec), Luxemburg, Haiti, etc. The French language is the most spoken idiom in states such as Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, California (Los Angeles), in the United States.

Learn French while working in France

France offers job opportunities every year for French-speaking employees. This is a beautiful language that offers several benefits to people who know it. It would be a good idea to take French courses in order to work abroad. 

From the employers which ask for another language such as a requirement, in the USA,  French is the most required, after Spanish, and so on. French companies in the USA employed around 550 000 Americans and also there are 35 companies that are French from the 200 largest ones.

Useful resources

Some useful resources are the following:

  • BBC. It has a section called “Languages” with great resources to learn languages such as the aforementioned ones. It provides online lessons which include videos, exercises, etc. There is also information about language courses in the UK.
  • Cambridge English.org. In this website, there are listed many language schools around the world which offer plenty of courses. Find French schools, Spanish schools, etc. You can contact those schools using the info here.
  • Ef.co.uk. Here you can find a variety of language courses all over the world. You can check their prices and their detailed information. Languages include English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, Greek, Portuguese and Arabic.

If you are seriously thinking about using a foreign language at work, we encourage you to improve it constantly. Taking some language courses can help.

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