The name of this language comes from Ukraine, in other words, the border area between the Cossacks lands, the north and west Slavic principalities domains and Turkish hordes of the south. However the Ukrainian language has its origins between other Slavic countries like Bulgaria and Macedonia, of course the medium of communication was the Christianity. 

The ancient Ukrainian books 

The ancient Ukrainian books contained a general Slavic language with few words of the future Ukrainian language. In addition, in the middle of XIV century the Ukrainian zone was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, this fact made that all the embassies and Lithuania zones began to use a general language to unify the peoples of Belarus and Ukraine.

Elements that make up the Ukrainian language

In this form, all these elements like the Church Slavonic, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish languages were forming this general language from XVI to XVIII centuries, however late XVIII century to the early XIX century the grand Duchy of Lithuania suffered a language revolution where many components non native of this language were progressively eliminated, consequently this languages were restructured on the Ukrainian language primitive.

Ukraine History

Also this language forms part of Ukraine History. In this way, between 1863 to 1905, when Ukraine people were dominated by the Russian Empire, the Ukraine language was prohibited in the region, the language couldn´t be used in the Russian Public Life, in the schools inclusive the same name “Ukrainian” was prohibited, too. At this time, the only official language here, obviously, was the Russian Language until the revolution of 1917 in Russia.

Following these events, the Ukraine language was a means of development. However, all past events caused the biggest changes in this language until today. During history, Ukraine was divided into many states and, at the same time, formed other states like the Russian Empire. For these reasons, many people from Poland, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Austria-Hungary speak the Ukrainian Language as a Cultural Heritage.

Nowadays, the Ukrainian language is spoken by 60 million people, most of them live in Ukraine and the rest in surrounding places of Poland, Czech Republic and Romania, and overseas of USA and Canada. 

The history of Moscow 

This language had a great influence from the history of Moscow to the creations of new states of the Past Soviet Union. This affirmation is an example of the Ukrainian language’s importance inside the Soviet region. An additional note, if you want to learn this complicated language, you can take programs to learn Ukrainian in the same country, amazing.   

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