Venezuela, a great place to explore

Venezuela is a great place to visit and explore, if you take a glance at a photo or a map of any other Venezuela information you’ll notice that this country has all a person might need to spend a great vacation. Venezuela is located in the northern part of South America and it’s bordered on the west by Colombia, on the east by Guyana and on the south by Brazil; on the north is the Venezuela coastline that borders the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea.

The  most important Venezuela information

The national language

It’s governed under a Socialists regimen; the national language is Spanish (so it would be better if you learn Spanish, at least a little); Venezuela counts with a great climate, as it’s situated in the tropics, the weather varies from humid low-elevation plains. Until 2010 estimate, Venezuela has a population of almost 29, 105 632, and all population is a combination of heritages, from Spanish and African cultures mainly, most of Venezuelans live in the north of the country, especially in the capital of Venezuela and its largest city, Caracas.

Venezuela history

According to Venezuela history, the first settlements in Venezuela began almost 15000 years ago and first inhabitants were mainly agriculturists and hunters, until the Spanish discovery, when Spanish invaders ruled in these lands and extracted gold and silver from the surrounding areas. Finally, in 1821, the colonial control finished, with the independence from Spain under the leadership of Simon Bolivar in 1821. Colombia, Panama and Ecuador along with Venezuela, formed the Gran Colombia, a Republic, from which Venezuela separated in 1830.

The states of Venezuela

Nowadays, Venezuela is divided into 23 states and one capital, Caracas, and it’s also divided in 10 geographical areas, due to the climate and bio-geographical region. Although the economic instability that Venezuela experienced years before, the country has different opportunities for the future, its economy is dominated by the petroleum sector, it’s one of the world’s leading exporters of oil.

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