The most popular Peruvian dishes

When people hear about Peru, the first thing that they think about is probably, Machu Picchu. Actually, it is probably the most popular Peruvian attraction. But lately, Peruvian cuisine has gained a lot of popularity around the globe. In Peruvian food, one of the main ingredients is the potato; it is present in most of the dishes and it is combined with elements as rice, beans, vegetables, quinoa, chili, meat, chicken, fish, beef, alpaca, pork guinea pig, etc.  Some of the most popular Peruvian dishes are: Ceviche (the most popular one), Causa, Lomo Saltado, Aji de Gallina, Cau-Cau, Papa a la huancaina, Arroz con Pato, Pachamanca, Rocoto Relleno, Mazamorra Morada, and Suspiro a la limeña.

Peruvian recipes

Peruvian recipes provide the ingredients and the necessary indications for you to prepare a dish. However, if you are not in Peru, some ingredients can be difficult to find. For example, the ingredients for the quinoa soup are vegetables and quinoa. Quinoa can only be found in countries like Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and the United States. So, in any other countries where quinoa is not typical, it is very difficult to find. Once you find it, it’s more likely to be expensive.

The diversity of the Peruvian cuisine

The diversity of the Peruvian cuisine is very extensive. Getting around Peru, it is possible to find food with completely different flavor ingredients. For example, Peru has three regions, and each one of them has its own typical food. However, these dishes are different in each city. To give an example, we have the ceviche that is from the coast of Peru. If we go to other coastal cities, we will discover different types of ceviche. The ceviche in Lima is not the same as the ceviche in Trujillo or Piura.

Peruvian food

Peruvian food is just starting to get popular; it is not as famous as the Thailand gastronomy which is among the most important cuisines in the world. Its food is hot, sweet, sour and bitter due to the diverse ingredients that it is used in. Some of the most popular elements that provide these flavors are: lime juice, rice, pepper (black and white), Chinese cabbage, Oyster sauce, Rice noodles, Kai-lan, Thai eggplant, Fish sauce, Thai shrimp paste, Lemon grass, coriander, Bird’s eye chili, etc. And the most popular Thailand recipes are Thai Pork Sates, Nam Prik Kaeng Kari, Thai Red Fish Curry, Gai Pad Nam Tua, Gaeng Keow Waan, Red Pork Curry, Sukhothai Pad Thai, etc.

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