Russian Federation

Russia or Russian Federation is the largest country worldwide; due to its dimensions, Russia borders several countries such as: Norway, Finland, Latvia, Poland, Azebaijan, China, Mongolia, and several Ukraine cities, and its maritime borders can reach to the United States. A Russian trip might include exhaust planning, because in order to see all, or at least many of the most important attractions of Russia you should consider the schedule, your budgets, many days for staying in the country in several hotels and of course the transportation. 

Places to visit in Rusia

Trying to see in one trip, the best of Russia will be a very difficult task, because of the long distances you’ll have to travel all over the cities of Russia; some of the places you must visit are:

  • Volgograd: A very impressive statue that represents Patriotism in Russia.
  • The Hermitage Museum: For art lovers, it’s a museum in St. Petersburg that hosts artworks from famous artists.
  • The Famous Red Square of Moscow: In this place you’ll learn a lot of Russian history; here you can also visit the St. Basil’s Cathedral and the State History Museum.
  • Dombai: Some of Russian nature is what you’ll find here, a gorgeous mountain with spectacular views including Mount Elbrus.

Other of the best things in Rusia

The best of Russia is not only represented by places to visit, but also history, culture and activities to enjoy; in fact, some of the most important things to do in Russia are: Enjoy the music, with the long musical traditions full of famous composers and performers; “Music is the shorthand of emotion”, one of the well-known music quotes of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, a famous Russian Thinker and Philosopher. Music is pretty important in Russian Culture and there are many conservatories and music schools for people interested. Dancing is another reason for Russian pride, especially ballet.

Food in Russia is another of the best things of the country, and derives from Russian expansion, so it’s quite diverse from the ingredients they use to the cooking methods, like in the case of the Caviar. Specialities of Russian cuisine include the Pelmeni, Blini, Golubsty, Schi and more.

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