Australia, the land “down under”

Australia is a country that takes up an entire continent. It lies south of the equator in the southern half of the world. People call Australia the land “down under”, because it is located down under the equator.  This country has many types of land like flat land called plain and plateaus, high flat areas with steep sides. The Pacific and Indian Ocean surround Australia. Australian people enjoy the warm climate and the unique animals and plants that make up this small continent.  

Ways to explore Australia

People have many ways to explore Australia, but the most popular is by plane. Those other ways include guided walks, car rides and bus rides. Australia enjoys long periods of sunny and dry weather. People will find sports ovals full and beaches crowded on weekends. Australia is fast becoming the working-class paradise that people have dreamt about for centuries. Australia is a country that’s both ancient and modern, with remote wilderness and teeming urban areas. Sydney is the best example of the combination of wildlife and the modern world.    

Australian destinations for travelers

Australia offers several types of accommodations, attractions and destinations for travelers. The big cities like Sydney offer high-end chains as well as boutique hotels. There are many resorts, both onshore and on private islands, these hotels have several amenities as well as natural beauty. These kinds of hotels are very expensive, but there are other options to rest such as camping sites, motels, holiday houses and cheap hotels in Australia.  

Australian beaches

Australia is popular for its beaches. Its coastline is almost 50000 Kilometers long, linked by over 10000 beaches, some desert and some more popular. Its beaches are the paradise for surfers that come from any part of the world for international championships of surfing. Many famous surfers live in Australia, this opportunity offers them to train any time.  The three largest beaches are: Ninety Mile, The Coorong and Eighty Mile, these beaches exceed 200 kilometers in length.

Australian islands

Australia has many small islands that connect it with other continents like Asia and Europe. After you travel across this country, you can visit some Asian countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia or Thailand. The last country is an exotic but safe place to visit. Thailand was the setting of “The beach” movie where Leonardo di Caprio acted. Tourists prefer to explore Thailand from Africa, although it takes a good deal of time and effort. 

Asian food

Thai food is well-known; these exotic recipes offer a huge variety of dishes. Travelers enjoy trying new flavors so they consider Asian food as a great experience. People recommend trying Japanese, Chinese and Thai food. If one wants to prepare one dish of these exotic cuisines, one must know that Japanese recipes are the most expensive, because they use special ingredients.  

Australia has many interesting recipes too, but this country is known for giving the warmest welcome to travelers. As you can see there are many reasons to spend time in Australia to know more about its culture, museums, beaches, animals and of course its friendly people.

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