The navigation by Tiber River

The navigation by Tiber River (Tevere in Italian) is one of the charms that Rome offers us and we have two options to navigate by this beautiful river

Options to navigate by the river

The first is a common line of boat transportation through Tiber, the cost is one Euro and the trip includes six wonderful views of the main attractions since Duca D`Aosta Bridge near Olympic Stadium until Tiber Island in the historical center of the City. Five craft with seventy cabins offer this service with different names like the Livia Drusilla, Rea Silvia, Cornelia inter alia.

The route of 4.4 kilometers and 45 minutes of duration, is the perfect time to have amazing views of different sites and places from Rome, without traffic, pollution or noise, this trip guaranties entertainment and peace. Of course this touristy offer is attractive to millions of people who visit Rome. The Second option is the cruises. This type of service costs 53 Euros per person, the price includes a romantic dinner on the Tiber River’s waters.

The boat transport

The boat transport is one of the most developed activities in Rome and the cruises in Italy approach this advantage. These cruises offer a unique experience in Tiber River, too. This river with more than 400 kilometers is one of the largest in Rome and it is the perfect scenery to know more about the eternal city of Rome. This way, the cruises in Italy bring us four different ways to enjoy Rome

The services of Rome

  • The Cruise Hop on – Hop off, this cruise works all year and its itinerary is to navigate the river per 1 hour from Tiber Island to Nenni Bridge. An additional note, the cruise has an excellent crew with knowledge of 7 languages and it costs around 15 and 10 Euros.
  • Of course, navigating through the Tiber River is knowing more about Rome history, the second option is a perfect example: the bus and boat. This service includes a bus tour with two floors, the second without roof has beautiful views and a boat trip from Sant Angelo Bridge until Tiber Island. The cost is around 30 and 18 Euros.
  • The third option is a Cruise with wine bar inside, a romantic cruise trip in which you can taste some delights like Italian cheese, sausages, desserts and wine while you navigate through the Tiber River. The tour begins at Sant Angelo Bridge, at night the tour lasts approximately 2 hours. The cost of a ticket is 35 Euros per person.
  • Finally, the Fourth option is a cruise service with dinner; this service is especially for people in love. Through the Tiber River with a delicious dinner the service is one of the best European trips. These are only examples of the boat tours in Rome. The eternal city is waiting for us with many things to do, navigate, walk, see, and enjoy Rome. The capital of the World has many charms to discover.

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