Discover Greece by Webcams

Webcams is a good way to find many pictures taken by a webcam, these photos show the real situation of a place, there are all kind of photos from different places so if you want to get a general idea about a place there is no better way than this, it would help you deciding where to go or not and when, just imagine you want to go somewhere but there is a traffic jam on the route caused by a traffic accident so you can take another road in order to avoid traffic, these webcams are the best way to know about all these things. You can choose cameras from schools, beaches, main avenues, etc from a specific country. There are cameras from almost every country. For example you have cameras from Greece.

Hundreds Islands with beautiful places

Greece is a country full of ancient history and with beautiful places; the most populated city; Athens is also its capital. It has about 6000 islands in its territory. In a Greece map it is possible to identify these islands better.

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece is where lots of intellectual movements started, for example, philosophy, literature, mathematics, democratic of the occidental civilization, etc so Greek people at ancient times as in these times are very well educated and have a lot of culture. However they have another heritage from its past besides its culture, they are very superstitious. They are pretty friendly, especially to strangers. The religion of most of the people is non-Orthodox Christian however there are other religions practiced in the country too.

Things to do in Greece

There are always things to see and to do in Greece; it has beautiful places, all of them rich in history. One of these places is Rhodes; it is one of the biggest islands of the country. In the maps of Rhodes you can see its dimension as well as its location, so you will see that it is a little far from the capital but is a place worth visiting. Its capital, the city of Rhodes, was declared as a world heritage site.

The Rhodes colossus

The Rhodes colossus which was a big statue of the Greek god Helios was in this city, this statue was considered as one of the ancient world’s seven wonders until it was destroyed by an earthquake. To summarize, visiting Greece is an unforgettable experience, because you can find everything you can possibly want from a place; a beautiful country with beautiful places, warm and friendly people, lots of history and traditions, etc.

Language in Greece

The official language in Greece is Greek. For someone who stays in the country, it is for sure that there is a specific language course that can help them to learn some useful words and phrases to get around.

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