
Germany, officially the Federal republic of Germany, is, after Spain and France, the third largest country in Western Europe. There are more than 81 million people living in Germany, which are divided into 16 states. Berlin is the most important city due to it being the capital. Germany covers an area of 357.021Km where one can find a wide variety of climates, ecosystems and of course wildlife. Currently, Germany is a member of the European Community, and the most populous and largest European economy; besides that, Germany is a leader in many fields, like technology.

German Traditions

Germany is definitely a land of traditions due to its great celebrations, customs and of course holidays, which have changed very little throughout German history. Some of the most important holidays are:

  • Christmas: This is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ that has a beginning four Sundays before the 25th of December.
  • Saint Nikolaus: German people celebrate Saint Nikolaus’s day, who was a Christian bishop. He died in 343 AD, on December 6.
  • The Three Wise men: This takes place on January 6 when children dress up as the three Wise men Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar.
  • Karneval: This is definitely one of the most important Holidays that is celebrated at eleven minutes past eleven o’clock on the eleven day of the eleven month, where one can find many parties and parades.
  • Raging Monday: In this holiday one can find spectators dressed in costumes which are entertained by musicians and many other attractions.

German Cuisine

Like many countries, German cuisine varies according to the region. Over time German cuisine has suffered many changes mainly due to political issues; however, currently you can enjoy many delicious German recipes that are the pride of German people. Some of the most representative dishes are: Sauerbrate, Wiener Schnitzel, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, Berliner, Rote Grütze, Goulash and Kassler MIT chucrut.

Drinks are also important in German cuisine. Although, in the recent days, wine has had great acceptance among Germans, beer is definitely the most important drink for Germans, proof of this is the Oktoberfest, which is a holiday that takes place in Munich between the months of September and October since 1810.

To enjoy all of these holidays it is necessary to learn German; it will not be a problem because there are many language schools and institutes teaching this language.

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