
Xochimilco is a borough in the Mexican Federal District established on the southern shore of Lake Xochimilco. It is located almost in the center of Mexico City but it is also separated from its Historic center. Click to see Mexico City travel

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Xochimilco’s environment and its surroundings have an enormous ecological, cultural and historical heritage. On December 11, 1987 the surrounding of the Xochimilco and Chalco lakes, the artificial islands, Chinampas  along with the historical monument of Xochimilco, Tláhuac, and  Milpa Alta, la laguna del Toro, Cuauhilama and Ciénega Chica were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Boat transportation

According to UNESCO, the chinampas, the artificial islands, are an outstanding example of the work of its former inhabitants that built their habitat in an unfavorable area and used boat transport. Besides the remaining canals, the ecosystem was another reason for declaring it a World Heritage Site, it counts with an incredible and unique biodiversity. There are small native trees called ahuejote, many aquatic species such as the freshwater shrimp called acocil, and an amphibian called “axolotl”. The axolotl was considered an incarnation of the god Xolotl, a Mexican god, used as a medicine, food and ceremonial object during the Aztec empire.

Mexico’s main attractions

Xochimilco is one of the most visited of Mexico City’s attractions. The main attractions are the canals where you can sail on beautiful and colorful boats called “trajineras”, enjoy the traditional food and visit the 18th century monuments. These traditional boats are the most highlighting attraction because of their bright colors and flowers that adorn the whole boat, usually these boats are named with female names. Sometimes these canals are compared to the canals of Venice.

Another attraction is the huge variety of plants and flowers for sale (even carnivores), as well as clay pots made by hand in the market “Madre Selva” located next to the Nativitas forest where you can enjoy a weekend with family and friends. Here you can have parties, have a picnic lunch or rent horses for a ride, all the kind of fun you’re looking for.

One problem that could stop tourism is the environmental degradation of both the canals and the chinampas. The pollution is severe mainly because of the tourism that brings many ambulant vendors. 

Remember Mexico has many incredible attractions; visit this amazing country full of tradition, customs and amazing places. Explore Mexico!

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