The variety of deserts in Brazil

The Brazilian desserts have their beginning with the birth of the country, with the cultivation of sugarcane, sugar mill and the manor house. The history begins when black women were in charge of the cooking in the manor houses, creating a combination full of African, Portuguese and Indigenous flavors to contrast.

Brazil has a large variety of desserts. Many of the most traditional Brazilian desserts are popular in most regions of the country, while a few others are more typical of a specific area of Brazil. As is well known Brazil has a great variety of fruits that often are combined with desserts or meals (See eating in Brazil).

The most popular Brazilian desserts

Some of the most popular Brazilian desserts are Canjica, Pamonha, Pé-de-moleque, Arroz doce, Munguzá, Beijú, Cocada and Quindim. The Quindim, one of the most typical desserts, is prepared with egg yolks, shredded coconut and sugar, this dessert is very similar to the Peruvian dessert called “Leche Asada” that has the same consistency of the Quindim. Find Peruvian recipes (Recetas de Peru).

Beside the typical desserts in Brazil, they also have an enormous Pastry that includes international desserts like the Merengue de Morango or Strawberry Meringue that has some peculiar Brazilian details in its preparation.

Merengue de Morango


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/4 cup of splenda
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • strawberries sliced thin 


  1. Place strawberries in a pie pan. 
  2. Mix egg whites until foamy with an electric mixer. 
  3. Add cream of tartar and mix until it peaks.
  4. Slowly add splenda while mixing. Fold in vanilla with plastic spatula.
  5. Spread over strawberries and bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes

This dessert is assembled by layering the meringue rounds with fresh strawberries and fresh whipped cream.

Brazilian whipped cream is flavored with vanilla, but has less sugar than normal. This allows the wonderful flavor of the cream to come through.

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