Guanajuato characteristics

Not only is Guanajuato a beautiful colonial city in Mexico, but also it is one of the largest cities in the country. It has singular urban landscapes and tangled streets, too. Alleys that end abruptly in a wall or in a narrow street are characteristics of this City. Guanajuato is considered the second colonial city, after Mexico City, because it is full of colonial attractions, architecture (Master of arts), and historical places. Therefore, Guanajuato is highly considered a place of historical importance.

Jardín de la Unión

Jardín de la Unión is a triangular park. Bars and restaurants are located around it. In the same park, you can see the traditional Tunas which are music bands from different universities in Guanajuato, Mexico. They play songs that people sing to. Another important attraction in Guanajuato is the Juarez Theater. This is a building with different architecture styles, and its frontage of Roman Doric style has eight columns with eight statues, too. The inside of the theater has influences of Moorish architecture, a French lobby and some lines of Art Nouveau.

Mexican Churrigueresque style

San Diego Church is a wonderful example of Mexican Churrigueresque style, with beautiful paintings of greatest Mexican art in these times. The construction began in 1667 and was finished in 1784. At first, the building was a convent (San Pedro convent) after the structure was conditioned to use it like a temple. Near here is Plaza de la Paz. This semi triangular park is surrounded by important buildings, and a beautiful sculpture of Mexican master Jesus Contreras illuminates the park center.

The Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guanajuato is the most important church in the City, and it has a unique baroque style. Its ornate facade and high towers are examples of this art style. Like Oporto, in Europe, Guanajuato has the most beautiful churches and it is the city with more architectonical style buildings in all Latin America.

The Mansion of the Counts of Rul and Valencia

The Mansion of the Counts of Rul and Valencia. The Count Rul was the landlord of this beautiful construction from the XVIII century. The mansion was built by the architect Francisco Eduardo Tresguerras, and the building has two levels and a facade covered with pink stone tiles, an exceptional example of Mexican neoclassical architecture. Actually, the mansion is occupied by the Tenth Collegiate Court Sixth Circuit.  

These attractions are unique in Mexico and Latin America. Therefore, tourism in Guanajuato has significantly increased in the last few years. Besides, the city offers amazing tourist packages with extreme sports, cultural tourism, and gastronomy tourism. Guanajuato is the cultural capital of Mexico.

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