Information about the culture of Australia

Australian culture is definitely one of the most ancient cultures in the world. Colonized by European culture, Australia was originally inhabited by aborigines who inhabited this country at least 40,000 years before its colonization.  Although, Australia does not have an official language, English language is the most popular in this country. There are also some other important languages people speak, such as Italian, Arabic, Greek and Cantonese.

Australian Aborigines

The aborigines are the original inhabitants of Australia. There are many tribes throughout Australia, but mainly in coastal areas. The Australian aborigines are one of the most important parts of Australian history. Although they have been abused by settlers, there are many laws that protect them. 

Three of the most important Tribes are:

  • Anangu Pitjantjatjara.
  • Arrernte.
  • Anangu Luritja.

What attractions should I visit in Australia?

If you want to visit the best of Australia, the following are some of the best places.

  • Sydney is famous for housing the 2000 Olympics.
  • The spectacular Great Barrier Reef.
  • Barosssa Valley.
  • Flinders Ranges.
  • Kakadu National Park.
  • The Kimberley.
  • Food in Australia

Due to the large variety of its ingredients, Australian cuisine is considered one of the best in Australia by many people. This is mainly based on locally grown vegetables and meats. Unlike other countries’ recipes, such as Italian or English recipes, some of the main ingredients in Australian recipes are kangaroo meat, crocodile meat and camel meat. The barbecue meats in the open air is considered one of the main traditions by Australian people, it is not rare to find people doing a barbecue in the cities.

Australian restaurants

Australian restaurants offer mainly traditional Australian dishes, but if you do not want to eat kangaroo or crocodile, you can also find traditional food from other countries such asTurkey food and Japanese food.

Some typical Australian foods are:

  • Kangaroo fillets.
  • Lamingtons.
  • Pavlova.
  • Golden syrup dumplings.
  • Potato salad Australian style.

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